Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"Slut" Is Another Word For Control

 The women's liberation movements of the last century have made tremendous strides but have yet to squeeze their way into the smallest aspects of everyday life and thinking. Slut shaming is one of these aspects.

Is there a problem morally with having multiple sex partners? Is there a problem with any sort of sexual promiscuity? As long as it is practiced safely and without deception, in my opinion, no. A big fat no. This is the same problem some people, often you will find men to be the root cause, have with the gay rights movement in a sense. They want to control who gets to have sex with who. Men may have sex with only women otherwise you are a "faggot". Women may have sex with only a minimal number of men and must be in relationships with these men or risk becoming "sluts". Straight men, however, can have sex with as many women as they wish and only seem all the more virile for it. (Notwithstanding cheating, which seems to be universally abhorrent.) I'm generalizing here and I realize that many people don't share these beliefs, but still too large a number of people do. I see it everyday on television, movies, on facebook and in day to day conversations with friends, coworkers, and relatives. Hardly a day goes by where I don't hear some form of shaming towards promiscuous women or women perceived to be promiscuous. It is most often not even realized to be blatant sexism. It's a double standard that the majority of people seem to be comfortable with without even a second thought. Oh, they know it's a double standard, but to most it's an acceptable one. Why is this? Well, that answer is seemingly obvious. Sexism has been ubiquitous throughout human history and men have been in the privileged position. Shedding sexism means men, who've never as a whole, really had to deal with any serious level of sexism, will have to let go of certain privileges that they've had since the day they were born. We, as men have had them so long we feel that we are entitled to them. Women have been subjected to sexism for so long that some may think are deserving of it, or that it is harmless.

"Slut" is a word used to control women into behaving the way men think they should behave. Is there a comparably ubiquitous word for promiscuous men? Maybe "man-slut" fills this role, but it is obviously derivative, holds no real power over men and is often viewed as comedic. Nobody looks down on a man-slut. You don't hear men called "whores" and "sluts" with the vitriol that is often used against women for having multiple sex partners. Everyone knows this is a double standard but props it up anyway. There is no justification for it. If you have one I would like to hear it . I'm certain that I have been guilty of slut shaming in the past but I will be no longer to the best of my ability.

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